T-FOET (Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training)

The Bridging Elements Training is designed to bridge the differences between the Tropical BOSIET/FOET and the BOSIET/FOET. This includes use of aviation transit suits and emergency breathing systems (EBS) during helicopter evacuation and escape.


What are the entry requirements?

The T-FOET is open to persons who have a valid (in-date) OPITO-approved BOSIET, BOSIET (with CA-EBS), TBOSIET, FOET, FOET (with CA-EBS) or TFOET certificate.

Medical Entry Requirements

Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.

Learning Outcomes:

Further Helicopter Safety and Escape - Tropical

  1. Helicopter safety and escape techniques
  2. Practical Helicopter Escape Techniques

Further Firefighting and Self Rescue

  1. Raising the alarm and operation of hand-held extinguishers
  2. Self-Rescue Techniques

Further Emergency First Aid

  1. Emergency First Aid
  2. Immediate first aid techniques

OPITO Registration

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