Job Hazard Analysis

The training is for employers, foremen, and supervisors, to encourage employees to use the information as well to analyze their own jobs and recognize workplace hazards so they can report them. It explains what a job hazard analysis is and offers guidelines to help you conduct your own step-by-step analysis

Course Objective:

The course provides instruction on the use of Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). Attendees are taught how perform JHA, identify hazards, assess the risk, and develop control and measures to eliminate or mitigate hazards or incident potential.

Course Content:

▪ Understanding Workplace Safety 

• Importance of understanding Safety 

• Accident and Near Miss

• Causes of hazard scenarios 

• Sources of injuries and illnesses 

▪ Performing a Job Hazard Analysis 

• Importance Job Hazard Analysis 

• JHA Team Selection

• Action before starting a JHA 

• Identify the Job/ Task 

• Breakdown to steps

• Identify Hazards

• Risk Assessment

• Control Measures

• Hierarchy of Controls

• Record and approval

▪ Implementation and Review of Job Hazard Analysis 

• Implementation

• Review and updating JHAs 

▪ Activity: Attendees are required to conduct a Job Hazard Analysis