Hot work


What is Hot Work?

Hot work is any activity or process that involves open flames or that generates sparks or heat and includes: Welding and allied processes; heat treating; grinding; thawing pipes; powder-driven fasteners; hot riveting; and any similar applications producing or using sparks, flame or heat.

The program provides in-person training to meet these learning objectives:
▪ Identify relevant standards, regulations, and ordinances that are applicable to hot work
▪ Describe the various types of hot work
▪ Identify common fuel sources and ignition sources
▪ Describe the three-step approach to hot work safety
▪ Define and identify hot work and hot work hazards
▪ Describe hot work evaluation requirements
▪ Describe hot work safety team roles and responsibilities
▪ Describe hot work permit requirements
▪ Read and understand a hot work permit.
▪ Fire Watch & work inside a confined space