T-BOSIET ( Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Traning)

T-BOSIET (Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training): The T-BOSIET will introduce delegates to the specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations, and to equip them with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter in a tropical environment.


What are the entry requirements?

 No training prerequisites are required.

Medical Entry Requirements

Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.

Learning Outcomes:

Safety Induction 
1.    Typical offshore oil and gas activities
2.    The main offshore hazards
3.    The potential environmental impact of offshore installation operations
4.    The principles of managing safety on offshore installations
5.    Hazard effects and consequences; their associated risks, and how they are controlled
6.    Key offshore installation safety regulations and the basic concept of these regulations
7.    Key information and policies to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of those living and working offshore.

Helicopter Safety and Escape - Tropical 
1.    Helicopter Travel
2.    Helicopter Emergencies
3.    Practical Helicopter Escape Techniques

Sea Survival and First Aid 
1.    Evacuation Methods and Procedures
2.    Emergency First Aid
3.    Muster and actions upon boarding a survival craft (TEMPSC)
4.    Sea Survival and emergency In-water actions
5.    Immediate First Aid Actions

Firefighting and Self Rescue 
1.    Common causes of offshore fires and actions to be taken
2.    Self-rescue equipment and techniques
3.    Raising the alarm and operation of hand-held extinguishers
4.    Self-Rescue Techniques

OPITO Registration

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